Yesterday, Daniel and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary with balloons. Balloons and balloons and balloons.
A few days ago, Daniel told me that we were going to go out to dinner but that he also had a surprised planned for Thursday. So naturally, for the past week I've been begging him to tell me what he's been planning- to no avail. He kept his mouth glued shut. Mercado even knew what he was plotting, and when I called and begged her to tell me, she wouldn't. And I'm SO glad. What happened yesterday was the most epic of epic surprises.
I was told me we weren't going out to dinner until later so I came home from work expecting to take a shower and get ready. When I got home and tried to open the door to my room, it wouldn't really budge. Weird. So I tried again, and this time I got a small glimpse into my room and all I saw were balloons. Red, yellow, blue, pink, orange, 900 of them! Daniel had spent the whole day (and a couple of days before) filling up hundreds of balloons and filling my room with them. In complete and utter shock, I made my way into the room and out popped Daniel, amid the balloons. We spent the next 2 hours playing, jumping on my bed, bonking each other on the head and laughing amid a colorful array of hundreds of balloons.
His idea was inspired by one of our favorite xkcd comics called 'grown ups.' And inside that room, we were anything but.

I can say with complete confidence that seeing those balloons and seeing Daniel among them was the happiest moment of my life thus far. I've never felt such joy and playing for hours like we were kids again was the greatest surprise.
After the balloons, Daniel took me to Bottega Louie in downtown LA for a fabulous Italian dinner. This place, half restaurant, half italian bakery, is unique, fun, fancy and delicious. We started with an appetizer of prosciutto and seasonal fruit, followed by two cups of 'Brodo' soup-tortellini & chicken broth with a spinach & basil chiffonad-and finished with two different types of pasta-his a garlic fettuccine with cherry tomatoes and arugula and mine a clam linguine. Oh, and there were also those two bottles of wine we drank throughout the 2 1/2 hours we spent at Bottea Louie. Both red, both fantastic.
It was the perfect day with the perfect man. And now I have a room full of balloons!