Oh snaps.

Welcome to the internets. Where most of you spend countless hours during the week. We get paid to sit in front of the computer and pretend to do work, but really, we're finding out what Lindsay Lohan had for breakfast and googling awkward pictures of cats. Here's a toast (a blog toast because drinking is NOT allowed during work...) to all of you 40 hours a week craftsmen. Because let's be honest, we are all craftsmen. Do you know how hard it is to quickly exit a facebook browser?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Work It LA - Coachella edition

So this past weekend I was fortunate enough to be going to Coachella for work. I know I know, it's work, but to be honest - I'd rather be sitting in the sun, working on my tan and sipping on Patron than sitting in a cubicle. The entire time I was set up at the Lacoste and HTC party. I learned some very interesting things about the posh and wealthy...

1) They don't have to pay for anything. This party was like walking onto the Price is Right except that the Price was always RIGHT! Literally - everything was free. Free food (food trucks), free booze (sponsored by Sapporo and Patron), free clothes (I scored a ton!) and the best part - THE GIFTING SUITE. I mean, I love gifts. DUH.

2) Everyone at the party literally came to "Coachella" just to party hop. They didn't even have tickets to the shows! It seriously is a lifestyle for some people. I was talking to some guy who goes to all the major film festivals and parties (Sundance, Cannes, etc.) and just gets free shit.

3) The rich don't have to pay for a single thing. I can't stress this enough. In times when unemployment is at its highest and we are constantly borrowing money from other countries, Paris Hilton is drinking $50,000 bottles of champagne and getting another $100,000 worth of free giveaways. You know, because poor people don't wear Lacoste. THIS WHOLE THING BAFFLES ME. The rich get richer and the poor STAY poor.

I asked who any of these hipsters were at the party. I literally didn't get a straight answer. Everyone just kept saying "they're scene kids." What does that mean? It means these people are professional partiers. How do I get on this list? I think I'd be so good at this. Thank god we found a group of friends to hang out with that were actually normal and adorable (they had no idea who Ke$ha was!). Speaking of Ke$ha...more to come later!