Oh snaps.

Welcome to the internets. Where most of you spend countless hours during the week. We get paid to sit in front of the computer and pretend to do work, but really, we're finding out what Lindsay Lohan had for breakfast and googling awkward pictures of cats. Here's a toast (a blog toast because drinking is NOT allowed during work...) to all of you 40 hours a week craftsmen. Because let's be honest, we are all craftsmen. Do you know how hard it is to quickly exit a facebook browser?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Crazy Kiddies

What is the deal with the young pop stars getting younger and younger.  First you have that Justin Bieber girl who was only 15 when he came out [...of the closet...jk], then the AMAZING Willow Smith.  At 9 years old, and as Will Smith's daughter, I am not ashamed to say that I look up to Willow.  I can watch her performance on Ellen all day every day.  But now...we have another one.  His name is MattyB and he's 7 years old and if you watch the video below, you will want to pro-create little MattyBs like right now.  Gughhhhh.  How are kids so talented?  Are they rehearsing in the womb or what?